Camargo & Associates

San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area Architect for Fine Residential Homes

"Whatever he did evolved beyond our expectations. We truly enjoyed the entire experience – both professionally and personally." – Mark Slagle

Our Latest Work

Whitney Residence

Grant Main House

Pearson Residence

We ask. We listen. We create.

You're living your dream in the Bay Area. But is your living space a part of it? We capture dreams in environments all over the world.

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Working with an architect

Working with a Bay Area architect some home owners feel can be expensive, unnecessary, and even intimidating.

Not so…

Work with Us

You have dreams. Share them with us. We'll transform them into Bay Area (or elsewhere) dream lifestyles. We're in San Jose, but serve the world.

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Camargo & Associates

Bay Area Architect
3953 Yolo Drive, San Jose

Office: 408.266.3442
Cell: 408.489.1077
FAX: 408.266.7560

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In Progress
"The right architect can be a homeowner's best friend. His or her knowledge of energy use, building materials, and labor costs can save you more than enough money to cover their fee, and an original, well designed house — one that is strong, functional, and responsive to its site — is a daily joy as well as a good investment."